Investigating contemporary dental practice in restorative dentistry and Dentists-related factors in placing and replacing restorations in Kurdistan, Iraq
Practice-Based Research, Restorations;, Replacement, Amalgam, CompositeAbstract
Aim: to assess if there is any relationship in dental practice between direct restoration placement or replacement to the dentist’s gender and experience. Method: a cross-sectional study included two hundred general practitioner dentists whose experiences from 1-20 years were divided into two groups (1-10 and 11-20 years). The participants were instructed to collect data about the number of placed and replaced restorations, the reason for placement, and the type of materials from patients aged 14- > 60. The Pearson Chi-Square test (with continuity correction and Fisher's exact test, if necessary). It was considered that a P-value less than ≤ 0.05 was significant. Results: Both male and female dentists placed restorations more than they replaced and the difference between placement and replacement was statistically significant (P = 0.000). Clinicians with professional experience between 1-10 years performed more restoration replacement than the older group and this difference showed statistical significance (P = 0.000). Secondary caries was the most diagnosed reason for replacement by both male and female clinicians. Significant differences between secondary caries and other causes (P = 0.000). Conclusion: Accuracy is required in diagnosing defects in previously performed fillings and whether they are worth replacing or not, as well as motivating dentists to follow minimally invasive dentistry.
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