Publication Ethics
The Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and integrity. All parties involved in the publication process, including authors, sectional editors, editors, reviewers, and the journal's editorial management team, are expected to adhere to the following ethical guidelines:
Authorship and Originality
Authors submitting to the Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) must ensure that their work is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, authors confirm that:
Authorship: All listed authors have made significant contributions to the research, drafting, and final approval of the manuscript. Authors must agree on the order of authorship, which should reflect their relative contributions to the work. Typically, the first author is the primary contributor and often serves as the corresponding author, responsible for managing communications during the submission, review, and publication process.
Corresponding Author: The corresponding author is the main point of contact between the journal and all co-authors. This individual is responsible for ensuring that all authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript and for addressing any queries related to the publication process. The corresponding author must be accessible throughout the review process and after publication to respond to inquiries regarding the research.
Originality: The submitted work is the authors' own and is free from plagiarism. Proper citations must be provided for all sources used, and any work that has influenced the research must be appropriately acknowledged.
Disclosure: Any potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, that could be perceived to influence the results or interpretation of the research must be disclosed in the manuscript.
Reproduction of Published Work: Authors must obtain permission for the use of any previously published content, including figures, tables, or text, and provide appropriate attribution in the manuscript.
By adhering to these guidelines, EAJSE ensures the integrity, transparency, and ethical standards of the research it publishes.
Peer Review Process
The Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarly excellence. All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality, originality, and significance of the research.
Double-Blind Review: EAJSE follows a double-blind review process, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other to ensure unbiased evaluation.
Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field of study. They are expected to provide constructive, objective, and timely feedback. See For Reviewers
Review Criteria: Manuscripts are evaluated based on their scientific contribution, methodological rigor, clarity of presentation, and relevance to the journal’s scope. Reviewers are asked to assess the originality of the work, the accuracy of the analysis, and the validity of the conclusions.
Review Timeline: The initial review process typically takes 6-8 weeks. Authors will be notified promptly of the decision, which may include acceptance, minor or major revisions, or rejection.
Confidentiality: All manuscripts and review reports are treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must not disclose any information regarding the submission or review process to anyone outside the editorial team.
Ethical Considerations: Reviewers are required to disclose any conflicts of interest and to decline the review assignment if they believe they cannot provide an impartial review. Plagiarism and ethical misconduct will be addressed according to the journal’s ethical guidelines.
Final Decision: The final decision on manuscript acceptance is made by the Editor-in-Chief, based on the reviewers' recommendations and the journal’s standards.
This policy ensures that EAJSE upholds the quality and integrity of the research it publishes, fostering trust and transparency in the academic community.
Data and Results
Authors should provide accurate and complete data, methods, and results in their manuscripts. Fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data is unethical and will not be tolerated. Moreover, authors should retain the original data for a reasonable period of time after publication and be prepared to provide it if requested.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors, sectional editors, editors, and reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their judgment or the interpretation of the manuscript. If a conflict of interest exists, the journal managements should be informed and the immediate action should be taken to ensure that it does not compromise the integrity of the review or publication process.
Appeals and Complaints
At the Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE), the corresponding author has the right to file appeals or complaints regarding editorial decisions, publication ethics, or any process-related issues such as significant delays or miscommunication between authors and the editorial team.
All complaints will be reviewed initially by the handling editor, with the final responsibility resting with the Editor-in-Chief. We strive to address all concerns promptly and fairly. If you have any issues or would like to submit an appeal, please contact us directly, and we will work to resolve the matter as swiftly and transparently as possible.
Transparency and Corrections
The journal shares the galley proof af the accepted papers before first online publication. Authors should promptly inform the journal's editorial office of any errors or inaccuracies in their first online published work before making the DOI link active and cooperate to correct them as needed. Corrections and retractions will be made according to established procedures and guidelines. After publishing the DOI link, no corrections will be made.
Ethical Treatment of Subjects
The Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) requires that all research involving human or animal subjects adheres to the highest ethical standards. For studies involving human participants, informed consent must be obtained, ensuring that participants understand the nature, purpose, and potential risks of the study. Research involving animals must follow established ethical guidelines to ensure their humane and respectful treatment. All submitted studies must have prior approval from an institutional ethics committee or review board, and a declaration of compliance with ethical standards must be included in the manuscript.
Editorial Decisions
Editorial decisions, including acceptance, rejection, or revision of manuscripts, should be based solely on the academic and ethical quality of the work which is approved by the majority of the assigned reviewers. Decisions will not be influenced by factors such as race, gender, nationality, or institutional affiliation.
Plagiarism Detection
The Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) strictly enforces a plagiarism policy to maintain academic integrity. All submitted manuscripts are screened for originality using advanced plagiarism detection software. The similarity index must be less than 25% overall (30% will be considered for review artickles), with no single source exceeding 5%. Manuscripts not meeting these criteria will be returned to the authors for revision or rejection.
Generative AI Policy
The Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering (EAJSE) enforces strict guidelines regarding the use of generative AI in manuscripts. AI-generated content must not exceed 5% of the manuscript. Authors are responsible for ensuring that any AI-generated text is appropriately disclosed and does not compromise the originality and integrity of the work.
Misconduct and Reporting
Any suspected misconduct, including plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, or unethical behavior, should be reported to the journal's editorial office for investigation. Especially, if the paper was submitted to any preprint, the author should declare this with its link in the “comments to editor” section during the submission. Accusations of misconduct will be investigated thoroughly, and appropriate action will be taken based on the findings.
By adhering to these publication ethics, EAJSE aims to maintain the integrity of the research and scholarly communication process, ensuring the credibility and reliability of the published work and fostering a respectful and collaborative academic community.