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Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The editorial workflow for every manuscript submitted to the EAJSE journal is outlined below, detailing the various stages of the peer-review process.

The entire editorial workflow is facilitated through the online review system. Upon submission, the manuscript undergoes an initial check by the journal's editorial office to verify that:

  • The files are complete, and relevant metadata are in order.
  • The paper aligns with one of the scopes of the journal.
  • The similarity percentage is below the journal's stipulated requirement.

Following this verification, the manuscript is assigned to a Sectional Editor based on their subject expertise. The Sectional Editor conducts an initial assessment before inviting potential reviewers to provide a peer-review report. (The Sectional Editor may reject a manuscript prior to review if it is deemed unsuitable.) Based on the submitted reports, the Sectional Editor makes one of the following recommendations:

  • Reject
  • Needs Major Revision
  • Needs Minor Revision
  • Publish without Modifications

If the Sectional Editor recommends "Reject," the authors are sent any review reports received and are informed that their manuscript will no longer be considered for publication in the journal.

  • If the Sectional Editor recommends " Needs Major Revision," the authors are notified to prepare and submit an updated version of their manuscript with the necessary changes suggested by the reviewers. This may involve collecting new data or making substantial revisions to the text. The manuscript is then reassessed by one or more of the original reviewers before the Sectional Editor makes a new recommendation.
  • If the Sectional Editor recommends " Needs Minor Revision," the authors are notified to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript with the required minor changes suggested by the reviewers. Once the Sectional Editor is satisfied with the final manuscript, optionally seeking further advice from one or more of the reviewers, the Academic Editor can recommend "Publish without Alterations."

If the Sectional Editor recommends "Publish without Modifications," the manuscript undergoes a final check by the journal's editorial office to ensure adherence to the journal's guidelines and policies in both content and review process. Upon completion, the authors are notified of the manuscript's acceptance.