Concepts of E-Governance Development: A Review

Authors: Zena A. Aziz1 & Amira Bibo Sallow2
1Department of Information Technology, Technical College of Informatics-Akre, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq
2Department of Information Technology Management, Technical College of Administration, Duhok Polytechnic University, Duhok, Iraq

Abstract: E-Government services have become more widely available in developing countries in recent years. This is beneficial for all stakeholders, especially for people, because it enables the facilitation of government services and contacts with citizens, which can then be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, as internet use and digitalization have expanded, governments worldwide have taken the essential steps toward E-Governance, integrating government procedures with information technology. Despite this encouraging trend, there is evidence of limited citizen uptake and use of E-Government services. Electronic government services are implemented as technological initiatives, with the underlying premise that citizens will use them. As a result, citizens’ expectations for these services are not realized. This study evaluates current research on E-Government to identify gaps, limitations, and future research paths. A recent study in this area primarily focuses on the national level, with little concentration on the local level. As a result, future research proposals focus on E-Government at the municipal level.

Keywords: Governance, E-Governance, Categories of E-Government, Good Governance, Communication Technology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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Doi: 10.23918/eajse.v8i1p51

Published: May 26, 2022


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