Fear, Knowledge, and Modification of Practice among Iraqi Dentists to Fight Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Authors: Mokhtar Al- Hamidi1 & Dina Isam Afram Jarjur2 & Bushra Rashid Noaman3 & Duran Kala4
1Dentistry Faculty, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
2Dentistry Faculty, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
3Dentistry Faculty, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq
4Dentistry Faculty, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq

Abstract: Health care workers, especially doctors and nurses who are in direct contact with COVID-19 patients are on high-risk professions despite wearing full protective equipment. This study aimed to assess the fear and emotional stress among Iraqi dentists from getting infected with COVID-19 and also their knowledge in preventing this disease. A cross-sectional study using an online survey questionnaire consisted of 22 questions was implemented using Google Forms. The study started after gaining the agreement of the authority. The questionnaire was put out on social media; well known Iraqi dentist’s Facebook groups, and through e-mail. The study covered all the governorates of Iraq. The data were processed using SPSS. The sample was 516 dentists (216 males, and 255 females) and 218 participants were graduates, 249 postgraduates, and 49 of them were students. Results showed that, dentists who were afraid of getting infected with COVID-19 were 82%. Iraqi dentists have knowledge about the Novel COVID19 and are afraid of getting infected. Iraqi dentists need modifications in their practice to protect themselves and their patients from this pandemic.

Keywords: COVID-19, Dentists, Fear, Anxiety, Knowledge

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doi: 10.23918/eajse.v7i1p274


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