Biochemical and Physiological Properties of the Phenomenon of Heterosis in Cucumbers, Cucumis Sativus L.

Author: Dogan Ozdemir1
1Tishk International University, Sulaimani, Iraq

Abstract: The research article is the study of hybrid vigor at different hybrid genotypes of cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.). Hybrid vigor is the most essential way for famers to improve their plant fertility. Cucumber quality as fertility, fruit color, shape, size and its nutritional quality are essential for breeders to improve their crop production. The results are about the relations between some physio-biochemical parameters as content of total proteins, catalase activity and content of nucleic acids with hybrid vigor. These biochemical and molecular parameters can forecast the heterosis at early stages of plants ontogenetic development. Implementation of heterosis is one of interests among researchers for their unique ontogenetic development. Established heterotic effect of many agricultural crops occurs in the first-generation hybrids on productivity, such as hybrids have substantial growth rate, strong development, intensity metabolic processes, fertility, and yield of a hybrid organism over those of its parents.

Keywords: Heterosis, Hybrid, Nucleic Acids, Cucumber

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doi: 10.23918/eajse.v7i1p114


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