Effect of Different Environment on Physical Properties of Plantanus orientalis L. in Erbil Governorate

Authors : Tara N. Ismail1 & Halmat A. Sabr2 & Sherzad O. Osman3
1&2&3Forestry Department, College of Agriculture, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq

Abstract:   Influences of different environment on some physical properties of Plantanus orientalis L. grown in Erbil Governorate were examined. In each location three trees were selected, height, DBH, tree ages, number of branches/trees were determined in addition to physical properties in each location. There was a significant variation for all physical properties with different height of trees in Shaqlawa location in comparison to Sami Abdulrahman Park. The highest number were recorded for specific gravity, density of dry volume, density of green volume and moisture content between different locations in height (1) 0.62 0.73 gm/cm3, 0.95 gm/cm3 95.59 % respectively. In addition, the highest number was recorded of thermal conductivity in H3 L1 (3.35) and volumetric shrinking was found in H2 L1 (71.56 gm/cm3). Finally, the highest number was found for volumetric swelling in H1L1 (104.74 gm/cm3). It can be summarized that for the further research, it is important not only above properties to be measured, but also anatomical characters need to be taken into consideration for better understanding Plantanus orientalis L. evaluation under different environments.

Keywords: Plantanus Orientalis L., Wood Properties, Tree Height, Specific Gravity, Thermal Conductivity

doi: 10.23918/eajse.v3i1sip198

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