The Relationship Between Critique Styles and Design Phases During the Architectural Design Course
Architecture, Design Critiquing, Design Education, Design Studio, Architectural TeachingAbstract
Although it is widely acknowledged that critiquing is a crucial teaching paradigm in architecture design studios, no systematic effort has been made to take a deep look at that teaching tool from students’ perspectives. That viewpoint explains far too much about the complexities of critiquing and how much it affects both students, and the teaching process.
This research paper attempted to shed some light on that issue by examining the various styles of critique that occur during different design phases in architectural design studios. To achieve this, the paper attempted to identify the fundamental stages of the teaching design paradigm that occur in a chosen Iraqi university, specifically for third-grade students. The paper then made an effort to use an anonymous questionnaire to investigate how the students responded to various design criticisms. While each style of critique has its preferences in different phases of design Results show that Students favor desk critique and group critique more than pin-up critique because they feel less hesitant and more confident.
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Tshik international sulimani students
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