Optimization of PID Controller For Three Tanks System By MATLAB/Simulink/Genetic Algorithm
Three Tank System, Genetic Algorithm, PID Controller, Optimization, ITAE ErrorAbstract
The three-tank system is used for many purposes, including industries and education, especially in engineering. Designing and tuning a suitable controller is one of the most important things in this system. The PID controller is one of the most famous controllers used for this purpose. In this article, the three-tank system is simulated using Simulink MATLAB, and different nonlinear transfer functions are used to represent the three-tank system. The ITAE error was obtained for each of the functions. The result showed that the higher the degree of non-linearity, the ITAE error increases. To obtain the minimum error and optimal parameters of the PID controller, the genetic algorithm was used for 150 generations and the number of repetitions was 50. The optimization results showed that more favorable results are obtained by using the genetic algorithm. Also, the ITAE error obtained from the genetic algorithm optimization method is much less than other optimization methods, such as the Gray Wolf.
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